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Kinematics of the knee joint

  • W. Sampers
  • T. Sierens


In 2006 a test rig was built by Ghent University to measure patellofemoral pressures. The maingoal of the current study is to improve and upgrade the Ghent Knee Rig (GKR). The improvement consistsof a better approach of the Q angle. The mechanical connection between the linear actuator and the rectusfemoris tendon represents the force of the quadriceps. To validate the results of measurement, it isnecessary the connection approaches the direction of the real muscle. The patella is bond with the body byuse of ligaments and retinacula, which have a unknown influence on the stability of the patella. Alsoquadriceps and the trochlea are important stabilizers. The upgrade of the GKR is a tool to measure thepatella stability, which is done by pulling the patella out of the trochlea and measure the force needed for acertain displacement. It is important the patella has five degrees of freedom (DOF) so no extra force but thestability is measured and the effect of dysplasia and trochleoplasty can be examined. In the near future theGKR will be expanded to the possibility of measuring patella tracking. The relative movements of thedifferent components of the knee will be followed by high speed cameras.

How to Cite:

Sampers, W. & Sierens, T., (2012) “Kinematics of the knee joint”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 2(3), 353-359. doi:

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