Validation of a wide plate finite element model using digital image correlation
- K. De Keyser
- F. Van Acker
- Stijn Hertelé
- Matthias Verstraete
- Wim De Waele
- R. Denys
To investigate the influence of global plastic deformations on girth weld defect tolerance inpipelines, a parametric finite element model has been developed. This paper provides an experimentalvalidation of the model. It describes the test setup and instrumentation used for the evaluation of plasticstrain fields around a notch in a tension loaded non-welded X65 mini wide plate. LVDT measurements anddigital image correlation (DIC) results are compared to each other and to the results of finite elementsimulations. Whereas some deviation is observed owing to unavoidable experimental uncertainties andlimitations of finite element modelling, the overall correspondence is more than satisfying.
How to Cite:
De Keyser, K., Van Acker, F., Hertelé, S., Verstraete, M., De Waele, W. & Denys, R., (2011) “Validation of a wide plate finite element model using digital image correlation”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 2(3), 416-423. doi:
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