FEA modeling of orthogonal cutting of steel: a review
- F.C. Jula
- T. Galle
- Wim De Waele
- M. Borzan
Orthogonal cutting is probably the most studied machining operation for metals. Its simulation with theFinite Element Analysis (FEA) method is of paramount academic interest. 2D models, and to a lesserextent 3D models, have been developed to predict cutting forces, chip formation, heat generation andtemperature fields, residual stress distribution and tool wear. This paper first presents a brief review ofscientific literature with focus on FEA modelling of the orthogonal cutting process for steels. Following,emphasis is put on the building blocks of the simulation model, such as the formulation of the mechanicalproblem, the material constitutive model, the friction models and damage laws
How to Cite:
Jula, F., Galle, T., De Waele, W. & Borzan, M., (2012) “FEA modeling of orthogonal cutting of steel: a review”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 3(2), 98-105. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/scad.v3i2.20561
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