
Relation between the cooling time and friction results in braking tests

  • P.D. Neis
  • G.L.P.G. Zanetti
  • E. Schmidt
  • Y. Perez Delgado
  • P. De Baets
  • N.F. Ferreira


The current paper intends to evaluate the influence of the cooling time on friction results duringbraking performed on a laboratory-scale tribometer. At the same time, a possible correlation between theoxidation process and emissivity on the disk surface during cooling time is investigated. Sample and diskused in the tests are from a commercial available brake car. Procedure includes changes in the coolingtimes, where 4 different conditions are experienced: 18s, 90s, 600s and 24h. Friction curves revealdifferences between the results obtained with 18s, 90s and 600s. Likewise, when a cooling time of 24h isused, the first stop shows a considerable reduction in the coefficient of friction. It was not possible to find outthe reason for this effect since relationship between friction and oxidation degree, verified by means ofemissivity on the disc surface, could not be encountered.

How to Cite:

Neis, P., Zanetti, G., Schmidt, E., Perez Delgado, Y., De Baets, P. & Ferreira, N., (2012) “Relation between the cooling time and friction results in braking tests”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 3(2), 156-164. doi:

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Published on
05 Nov 2012
Peer Reviewed