An experimental model to describe the temperature variation of the disk during braking tests
- P.D. Neis
- G.L.P.G. Zanetti
- E. Schmidt
- Y. Perez Delgado
- P. De Baets
- N.F. Ferreira
In the present paper an experimental model is created to describe the temperature variation ofthe disk inexperiments performed on a laboratory-scale tribometer. A commercially available brake pad anddisk are used in the tests. The operating parameters seton the tribometer are a constant rotation of660 rpm, torque of 10Nm and 15Nm, braking time of 25s and 50s and initial temperature of 50°C and100°C. The evaluation of the thermal results is done by using a statistical model for analysis of variance(Anova). In order to obtain a mathematical equation to describe the temperature variation of the disk,a linear regression model is used. At the same time, the effect from both, temperature variation and initialtemperature, on the coefficient of friction are investigated.The effect of the temperature variation oncoefficient of friction is complex and it seems to not have correlation between them both. When the initialtemperature is changed from 50°C to 100°C the coefficient of friction is increased. The results from thecurrent paper shows that the experimental model can be used to predict the temperature variation of thedisk during braking tests performed on the tribometer.
How to Cite:
Neis, P., Zanetti, G., Schmidt, E., Perez Delgado, Y., De Baets, P. & Ferreira, N., (2012) “An experimental model to describe the temperature variation of the disk during braking tests”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 3(3), 165-171. doi:
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