Development of brake caliper for rally-car
- A. Horvath
- Z. Csik
- J. Sukumaran
- P. Neis
- M. Ando
We have succeeded to work out a designing-controlling-manufacturing process bywhich it can be manufactured a given special brake calipers with extremely short transit time. We havedealt with elaborating such finite element background during working out the process in which the newconstructions can be simulated to deformation reliably. We have reached this by creating suitablematerial models and boundary conditions which we identified after manufacturing the prototype. Wehave also established a separate model-system for optimizing the brake pad beside the caliperopening, based on which the optimal piston diameter and its position can be determined, too. Thebasic standpoint was the proper change following at developing the process because of the CADCAE-CAM-CNC systems and their proper connections.As a result of this system the rally brake calipers can be made quickly, reliably and economically fordifferent racing cars.
How to Cite:
Horvath, A., Csik, Z., Sukumaran, J., Neis, P. & Ando, M., (2012) “Development of brake caliper for rally-car”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 3(3), 191-198. doi:
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