Authors: D. Bogaert , W. De Waele , K. Faes , O. Zaitov
The possibility to use strong electromagnetic pulses to plastically deform electrically conductivematerials has been known for several decades. Despite its energy-efficiency and potential cost-efficiency,wide-spread use of the technology on an industrial level hasn’t been reached. As recently shown bySchäfer and Pasquale [1], more research towards industrial applicability is being conducted. This thesis willexperimentally investigate the feasibility of realizing torsion resistant tube joints manufactured by magneticpulse crimping. To get acquainted with the subject, first a literature study was performed. The generalprinciples of the electromagnetic pulse technology were studied. Differences between the widelyinvestigated welding technology and less documented crimping technology were obtained. Through theresults of earlier work [2] on crimping of tubes to obtain axial strength, it became clear that the crimpingprocess requires an optimization of geometrical parameters of the workpieces. This optimization isconsidered the main focal point of this thesis.
How to Cite: Bogaert, D. , De Waele, W. , Faes, K. & Zaitov, O. (2012) “Torque resistance of joints made by magnetic pulse crimping”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design. 3(3). doi: