
Links-libertarisme als aantrekkelijke theorie van sociale rechtvaardigheid



Left-libertarianism is a marginal theory in the debate on social justice. In this article, I argue that this peripheral status is a mistake. The two basic principles of left-libertarianism, the full self-ownership principle and an egalitarian interpretation of the worldownership principle, are sufficiently attractive and sound for the theory to be taken seriously. I introduce the two principles, explain their attractiveness and argue for their plausibility by contrasting them to the right-libertarian theory of Robert Nozick and the liberal egalitarian theory of John Rawls. 1conclude that left-libertarianism has some considerable advantages over both those theories.


How to Cite: Ossenblok, K. (2016) “Links-libertarisme als aantrekkelijke theorie van sociale rechtvaardigheid”, Res Publica. 58(2).