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Tussen politieke partijen en think tanks. Een verkennende analyse van de Vlaamse partijstudiediensten.

  • Valérie Pattyn orcid logo
  • Steven Van Hecke orcid logo
  • Marleen Brans
  • Thijs Libeer


In Flanders, every political party has its own political foundation or study centre. Although their importance for the party organisation is widely recognised, a systematic and comparative analysis of these study centres is still lacking. This article is the first attempt to address this empirical void. Based on document analysis, interviews and survey material, we analyse the basic characteristics of the study centres of seven Flemish parties, covering all major political families. We compare their size, internal structure and autonomy vis-à-vis the party, explore the advisors' profile and background and discuss the generation and products of advice. We conclude that despite their heterogeneity Flemish study centres share a common but limited functionality, being more of an extension of political parties than classical think tanks.

How to Cite:

Pattyn, V., Van Hecke, S., Brans, M. & Libeer, T., (2014) “Tussen politieke partijen en think tanks. Een verkennende analyse van de Vlaamse partijstudiediensten.”, Res Publica 56(3), 293-316.

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