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Een vergelijkend perspectief op de positie van mannen en vrouwen in de lokale politie

  • Petra Meier


The article analyses the gender balance in local Belgian polities in the aftermath of the 2006 local elections. lt offers a comparative perspective on the position of candidates, representatives elected and those holding office including data from the last three decades. The article also discusses the attitude of loca l party sections towa rds measures to foster a gender balance. The data show that local party sections more easily agree on parity at the level of candidates than that they support a rea l sharing of power at the level of the executive power. Local party sections do not support more than a guaranteed minimum presence of women in the councils of elder men. Furthermore, ba th at the level of candidates and at that of the executive the data reveal a final glass ceiling. Women have difficulties reaching the top positions on electoral lists as we ll as the top positions in the local executive power.

How to Cite:

Meier, P., (2007) “Een vergelijkend perspectief op de positie van mannen en vrouwen in de lokale politie”, Res Publica 49(1), 46-64.

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