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Op zoek naar een verklaring voor de persoonlijke score van de kandidaten bij lokale verkiezingen

  • Bart Maddens
  • Karolien Weekers
  • Stefaan Fiers
  • Ine Vanlangenakker


The number of preference votes for the candidates running in the October 2006 local elections in the thirteen main cities of Flanders is largely determined by the position on the list and the previous political mandate. A multivariate analysis shows that an executive function on the local level yields a comparable electoral bonus as a national mandate. The campaign expenditures also have a significant effect. There is a spending limit, but the candidates on average spend on ly 22% of what they are allowed to. Christian-democratie candidates generally spend the most, with the liberals ranked second . The gender, age and professional status of the candidates have at most a very marginal effect on their electoral score, controlling for the other relevant variables. Candidates with a foreign name obtain a somewhat better result on average, but this is particularly the case with candidates running for the socialist party.

How to Cite:

Maddens, B., Weekers, K., Fiers, S. & Vanlangenakker, I., (2007) “Op zoek naar een verklaring voor de persoonlijke score van de kandidaten bij lokale verkiezingen”, Res Publica 49(1), 132-149.

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