
Het meten van discourscoalities met discoursnetwerkanalyse : Naar een formele analyse van het politieke vertoog.

  • Allan Muller


Since the 'argumentative turn' in policy analysis scholars have increasingly tocused on discourse as an explanatory factor tor the analysis policy processes. This has resulted in a proliferation of rich and deep qualitative discourse-analytical studies on a vast range of policy controversies. However, these studies have two important shortcomings: firstly, they offer limited possibilities tor comparative research, because they lack an objectified and standardized measuring instrument. Secondly, according to some critics, these studies do not live up to scientific standards. This article presents a method based on a combination of content analysis and social network analysis which can be complementary to qualitative approaches, in order to answer to these shortcomings. lt is exemplified by a limited case study on two debates within the policy domain of transport-mobility in Flanders. The article concludes with a discussion of a number of possible applications of the method within the broader discipline of political science.

How to Cite:

Muller, A., (2014) “Het meten van discourscoalities met discoursnetwerkanalyse : Naar een formele analyse van het politieke vertoog.”, Res Publica 56(3), 337-364.

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Published on
29 Sep 2014
Peer Reviewed