
Het Europese beleid in de Belgische federatie : Standpuntbepaling en vertegenwoordiging van de Belgische belangen



In this article we examine the organisation of European policy-making in Belgium. The core question is whether the federal level is hollowing out in favour of the regional level, with respect to European preference formation and interest representation. From a theoretical point of view, it tests the propositions of liberal intergovernmentalism and multi-level governance in two critical cases : environmental policy and the European Convention. The article concl udes that neither of the approaches is able to full y understand the complex system of joint preference formation that takes place in Belgium and that they would both benefit from incorporating historical institutionalist insights.


How to Cite: Bursens, P. (2005) “Het Europese beleid in de Belgische federatie : Standpuntbepaling en vertegenwoordiging van de Belgische belangen”, Res Publica. 47(1).