
Het gebruik van de voorkeurstem bij de regionale en Europese parlementsverkiezingen van 13 juni 2004

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On 13 June 2003, elections for both the regional parliaments and the European Parliament were held in Belgium.
The percentage of voters casting a preferential vote increased when compared with the previous regional and European elections of 1999, reaching scores clearly higher than 60%.  The new electoral laws are one explanation for this increase, together with societal evolutions, such as individualism, anti-party feelings, personalization of polities and the appearance of cartels. In comparison with the federal elections of 2003 however, there was a decrease in prererential voting, due to lower campaign expenditures and to the success of parties that traditionally do not attract many preferential votes.  Voters can also cast a vote for several candidates figuring on the same party list, which is contrary to the past done quite frequently now. Finally, more candidates than ever succeeded in becoming elected out oî the order of the party list.


How to Cite: Wauters, B. , Weekers, K. & Pilet, J. (2004) “Het gebruik van de voorkeurstem bij de regionale en Europese parlementsverkiezingen van 13 juni 2004”, Res Publica. 46(2-3). doi: