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Gesplitst stemmen bij de parlementsverkiezingen van 21 mei 1995 : een analyse op basis van surveydata

  • Bart Maddens


The 1995 simultaneous election of three legislative assemblies (Senate, lower Chamber and regional councils) offered the Belgian voters an opportunity to split their ballot between three different parties. An analysis of Flemish individual level survey data shows that 76.1% cast a straight ticket vote, white 20.9 % split their tickets between two and 3 % between three different parties. Ticketsplitting occurs most frequently amongst voters who mention the personality of individual politicians or the issues as a reason to support a party. In addition, the likehood of ticket-splitting increases amongst the higher educated and the non-partisans. No support was found for the hypothesis that ticket-splitters in a multi-party system tend to lean towards one party on some issues and towards the other party on others. Instead, ticket-splitters generally take a position in between two parties. No evidence was found of a differential issue impact across elections, in this sense that regional issues are more critical to regional elections and federal issues to federal elections.

How to Cite:

Maddens, B., (1999) “Gesplitst stemmen bij de parlementsverkiezingen van 21 mei 1995 : een analyse op basis van surveydata”, Res Publica 41(4), 421-450. doi:

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