
Het analyseren van partij-rangschikkingen via het 'exploded logit'-model

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Rankings of politicalparties are often used to map the multiple party preference of the electorate. This article shows how the obtained rankings may be analysed by means of the exploded logit-technique, which allows for testing both the difference between the rankings and the effect of either categorical or quantitative independent variables on the rankings. An analysis of the effect of age on the party preference rankings of the christian democratie (CVP) electorate in the 1991 Belgian parliamentary election shows that the older CVP-voters tend to rank the liberal and the socialist party equally, white the younger voters hesitate between the liberal and the green party. The younger CVP-voters are also significantly less averse of the far-right Vlaams Blok.


How to Cite: Hajnal, I. & Maddens, B. (1997) “Het analyseren van partij-rangschikkingen via het 'exploded logit'-model”, Res Publica. 39(3). doi: