
De intergenerationele overdracht van milieubewustzijn : de invloed van beide ouders en de rol van communicatie binnen het gezin

  • Cecil Meeusen orcid logo


This study analyzes the intergenerational transmission of environmental concern. More specifically, the direct influence of the environmental concern of mother and father and the intermediary effect of communication about environmental problems within the family is investigated. Furthermore, the paper explores gender-specific patterns in the transmission of environmental concern. The data used in this paper stem from the Parent-Child Socialization Study (PCSS, 2012), in which 3,426 15-year old Flemish adolescents and bath their parents were questioned about their social and political attitudes. The results clearly confirm the transmission hypothesis: the environmental concern of bath mother and father had a significant influence on the environmental concern of the offspring. Strong transmission effects were especially found in families that communicate regularly about the environment. This effect was stronger for girls than for boys. Nevertheless, there is still room for other influences with regard to the development of environmental concern, indicating that environmentalism is not a core-attitude within families.

How to Cite:

Meeusen, C., (2013) “De intergenerationele overdracht van milieubewustzijn : de invloed van beide ouders en de rol van communicatie binnen het gezin”, Res Publica 55(1), 37-60.

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Published on
30 Mar 2013
Peer Reviewed