
De verrassend effectieve interne coördinatie van het Belgisch Voorzitterschap van 2010 : algemene analyse en toepassing op de casus Milieubeleid

  • Ferdi De Ville orcid logo
  • David Criekemans orcid logo
  • Tom Delreux orcid logo


The article analyses the internal coordination between the federal government, the Regions and the Communities in Belgium before and during the 2010 Belgian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. lt starts from the observation that the absence of a federal government with full powers, the global financial-economic crisis as well as Belgium's complex multi-level structure have, counterintuitively, not led to an ineffective internal coordination process. Based on interviews with people who were closely involved in the Belgian Presidency team, the article explains the effectiveness of the internal coordination by arguing that, on the one hand, the detailed and inclusive coordination before the Presidency semester has generated a culture of responsibility and joint ownership among the officials and diplomats and, on the other hand, the Belgian Presidency limited its role to being a facilitator of the European decision-making process in function of the rolling agenda of the Commission and the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty. Empirically illustrating these arguments with insights from the internal coordination in the environmental domain, this article demonstrates that an effective internal coordination, even in a difficult political context, can contribute to a successful Presidency.

How to Cite:

De Ville, F., Criekemans, D. & Delreux, T., (2011) “De verrassend effectieve interne coördinatie van het Belgisch Voorzitterschap van 2010 : algemene analyse en toepassing op de casus Milieubeleid”, Res Publica 53(3), 291-313.

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Published on
29 Sep 2011
Peer Reviewed