Author: Karen Donders
Since the early 1990s, the European Commission applies the State aid rules (part of European competition law) to the funding of national and subnational public broadcasters. This article analyzes to what extent discussions on the regulation and funding of public service broadcasting are determined by a conflictual notion of subsidiarity. Focusing on encounters between the European Commission on the one hand and Germany, the Netherlands and Flanders on the other hand, the article concludes that Member States and the European Commission focus more on competence divisions than on substantive discussions about the future of public service broadcasting. This is particularly regrettable as the digital age requires a thorough re-thinking of the role of public broadcasters in Western European democracies.
How to Cite: Donders, K. (2012) “Strijden voor of om de publieke omroep ? : Hoe subsidiariteit de Europese Commissie en de lidstaten verdeelt in het staatssteunbeleid”, Res Publica. 54(1).