De Staatshervorming van 1980 : rijk aan mogelijkheden
- Hugo Weckx
The 1980 State Reform has been criticized a lot and yet it is to be carried out at full.
Back in 1980 this reform proved not only to be the ultimate answer to the political needs of those days but it was also closely connected with the 1963 and 1970 reforms.
The only criticism to take into consideration for a possible reform in 1990 is an economie one : separate financial possibilities and responsibilities of federal organizations are a must in the future.
In the meantime «1980», rich in possibilities, must be offered fair chances.
Maintenance of a central administration that is well defined and strengthened by an important arbitration task is not wished for.
The idea of creating regions with an independance to such an extent that failures are no langer accepted is irrational.
The motto «Flanders can do it better» should not be fostered.
How to Cite:
Weckx, H., (1984) “De Staatshervorming van 1980 : rijk aan mogelijkheden”, Res Publica 26(3), 377-381. doi:
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