
De nieuwe politieke kaart van België

  • Luc Holvoet


The present article draws a map of the results that the major Belgian political parties, as well as strictly local candidates have obtained in the local elections of october 10, 1976.
These first elections within the newly merged municipal circonscriptions have substantially altered the nature of the lists of candidates. Henceforth, the local-scale politica! image shows a strong similarity with the image, seen in general elections. The two most important political formations, the CVP (Christelijke Volkspartij; Christian Democrats) in the Flemish part of the country, and the PSB (Parti Socialiste Belge; Socialist Party) in the Walloon part, each maintain the dominant position in their respective territory. In the electoral district BrusselsCapital, the PDF (Front Démocratique des Francophones ; french-speaking Brussels federalist party) has strengthened its position in comparison with the former local elections of 1970.
The evolution in the local electoral process shows that the partypolitical influence has become decisive in most communes, whereas before, and mainly in the many small size communes, the purely local character was preponderant. In these latest local elections, the average number of lists of candidates has increased ; therefore, one may say that the mergers of communes have had a positive effect on the actual possibilities for
electoral competition.

How to Cite:

Holvoet, L., (1976) “De nieuwe politieke kaart van België”, Res Publica 18(3-4), 445-460. doi:

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Published on
30 Dec 1976
Peer Reviewed