
Some observations on developmental change and bureaucracy in developing countries

  • Fakhri J. Al-Salman


The article attempts to define the change ; explores the reasons behind the resistance to change; to analyse the typology, the advantages and disadvantages of comprehensive and partial changes, and the methodologies of its enforcement. Moreover, it shows that the state bureaucracy almost in all societies enjoys a leading role in planning, supervision, coordination and even in the execution of developmental change processes. It tresspasses all existing institutions, groups and individuals in power, organization, legal and financial weapons, freedom of choices and maneuverability.
In searching for a convenient methodology of change in the developing societies; the article stresses that since these societies entirely differ in their material and human resources ; politica! stability ; standards of
health and education ; and above all in their mentality and emotional reactions, the determination of whichever change - immediate or incremental - to be followed, would certainly be out of question.
However, incremental partial change may seem to be more practicable in the majority of these states.

How to Cite:

Al-Salman, F., (1976) “Some observations on developmental change and bureaucracy in developing countries”, Res Publica 18(2), 237-250. doi:

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Published on
29 Jun 1976
Peer Reviewed