
Is het de moeite waard ? : De karakteristieken en effectiviteit van partijwebsites in de campagne voor de Nederlandse gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2010

  • Rens Vliegenthart orcid logo
  • Guda Van Noort orcid logo


In this article, the use of interactive features on the websites of Dutch local (branches of) political parties during the campaign for the 2010 local elections is investigated. We distinguish between features that are directed to increase political discussion and those that are used for political mobilisation. A content analysis of 1403 party websites demonstrates that websites of the social-liberal party D66 are the most interactive, followed by the Socialist Party. Furthermore, for elections in larger municipalities, more interactivity is used on the parties' websites. Overall, the use of bath types of interactive features is rather limited. Finally, a positive association between interactivity and election results, while controlling for previous elections and national trends, is established. These results point to the importance of (online) political campaigning in the context of local elections.

How to Cite:

Vliegenthart, R. & Van Noort, G., (2010) “Is het de moeite waard ? : De karakteristieken en effectiviteit van partijwebsites in de campagne voor de Nederlandse gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2010”, Res Publica 52(3), 315-333.

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Published on
29 Sep 2010
Peer Reviewed