
Méthodes et résultats inédits pour l'analyse des voix de préférences

  • René Doutrelepont


This article has two goals: 1° to illustrate certain methods which are completely new in their application and ; 2° to communicate and analyse the results obtained by these methods.
The first part of this study concerns the application of a mathematical model to the nominal votes in the French-speaking electoral college for the European elections of June 1984. The statistical categories of the log linear model, logically translated, permit to isolate and to measure the effects of list, position, and personality of each candidate.
The second part of the article studies in more detail the results for the candidates Happart and Nols. This provides the occasion to introduce and to illustrate a method which permits the measurement of the nature of the performance of each candidate in terms of votes and percentages.  The application of this method to the totality of French - and Flemish -speaking candidates, with an interpretation of the significance of the
measures (relative importance of the list and of the candidate), forms the last part of this study.

How to Cite:

Doutrelepont, R., (1985) “Méthodes et résultats inédits pour l'analyse des voix de préférences”, Res Publica 27(1), 141-165. doi:

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Published on
30 Mar 1985
Peer Reviewed