Author: Timothy Colleman
The majority of Dutch trivalent verbs taking both a Patient and a Recipient
argument allow for two different complementation patterns: the
Recipient is either encoded as a bare NP in a double object pattern (Jef
geeft Piet een boek) or as a PP headed by aan (Jef geeft een boek aan
Piet). As for the function of this variation (known as Dative Alternation),
various authors have suggested semantic explanations, often based
upon the notion of affectedness. lt is clear, however, that the hypothetical
subtle semantic differences between the two constructions may be
overridden by pragmatic factors . This paper presents the results of an
investigation into the correlation between information structure and
Dative Alternation in Dutch.
How to Cite: Colleman, T. (2001) “Pragmatische aspecten van de datiefalternering in het Nederlands: een terreinverkenning”, Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis. 55(0). doi: