
Serenissimo et Illustrissimo Principi ac Domino: De brieven van Orlandus Lassus aan Wilhelm V van Beieren



This article presents the letters written by the composer Orlandus Lassus
(1532-1594) to duke William V of Bavaria (1548-1626). The correspondence
consists of two very different groups of letters: on the one hand autographs
which are clearly situated in a very personal and intimate sphere of
communication, on the other hand printed dedication letters showing all the
expected rhetorical formality. The comparison between the two sorts of letters,
which can also be read as an introduction to the correspondence of Lassus,
shows the difference, especially on a linguistic level, between private and public


How to Cite: Verbeke, D. (2003) “Serenissimo et Illustrissimo Principi ac Domino: De brieven van Orlandus Lassus aan Wilhelm V van Beieren”, Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis. 57(0). doi: