Author: Rajesh Heynickx
In this article it is demonstrated that an analysis of how building metaphors
were used in the Flemish Catholic discourse of the interwar years can offer
more insight into the way a community of believers tries to establish a cultural
cohesiveness. The main argument is that in a period of deep transformations,
building metaphors could become "instruments" for Catholics who
wanted to defend and promote a traditional dimension of their religion.
Building metaphors allowed Catholics to stress the stability of their own ideology
(the fundaments) and to formulate their own cultural project (building
plan). By analysing such strategic use of building metaphors in artistic and
philosophical discourses, it can become possible to shed more light on the role
neo-thomism, a main philosophical current in interwar Flanders, played in
artistic debates and more specific in discussions on the modernisation of religious
How to Cite: Heynickx, R. (2007) “Een geconstrueerd denken: Over religie en architecturale metaforen in Vlaanderen (1918-1940)”, Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis. 61(0). doi: