Author: Timo Van Havere
In recent years archivists and historians have been pondering the importance of '1800' in
the history of archives and historiography: did the turn of that century mark the start of
'modern' archival organisation, focused on historical research? Even though the accessibility
of Belgian archives was unsurpassed in nineteenth-century Europe, the archival history
of that country has been neglected thus far. By looking at the National Archives in
Brussels and the city archives of Ghent, new light can be shed on the Belgian archival
landscape around 1800. As it turns out, 1814 was an important turning point. The political
change ftom the French Empire to the United Kingdom of the Netherlands was used by
some historians to secure an appointment as archivist. At the same time, the new national
government actively remodelled archives into historiographical institutions.
How to Cite: Van Havere, T. (2017) “Het belang van '1814' in de Belgische archiefgeschiedenis”, Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis. 71(0). doi: