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Een kritische kijk op krantendiscours over Kenia’s crisis: Een pragmatische analyse van het taalgebruik in De Morgen en De Standaard, The Standard en Daily Nation

  • Roel Coesemans


A comparison between Belgian and Kenyan newspaper reports about the postelection crisis
in Kenya shows that the same news events are reported from different frames of meaning.
This is partly due to differing worldviews on which the news discourse is based, and
the various perspectives from which the events are interpreted, resulting in different
implicit meanings. These can be studied to evaluate the quality of the reporting. The Kenyan
press focuses on the socio-political aspects of the conflicts involved, while the Belgian
newspaper coverage emphasizes the ethnic aspect. Both can be criticized. However, by
combining the interpretive analyses of newspaper language use with contextual explanations
derived from ethnographic information, such as interviews or editorial guidelines, a
better and more nuanced understanding of both national and international newspaper coverage
can be reached.

How to Cite:

Coesemans, R., (2011) “Een kritische kijk op krantendiscours over Kenia’s crisis: Een pragmatische analyse van het taalgebruik in De Morgen en De Standaard, The Standard en Daily Nation”, Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis 65, 79-101. doi:

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