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Étude de la variation dans la prononciation française contemporaine locale des toponymes hesbignons composés de Lens: Lens-Saint-Remy [W 48], Lens-Saint-Servais [W 49], Lens-sur-Geer [W 12] et Abolens [W 34]

Author: Robin Joassin

  • Étude de la variation dans la prononciation française contemporaine locale des toponymes hesbignons composés de Lens: Lens-Saint-Remy [W 48], Lens-Saint-Servais [W 49], Lens-sur-Geer [W 12] et Abolens [W 34]


    Étude de la variation dans la prononciation française contemporaine locale des toponymes hesbignons composés de Lens: Lens-Saint-Remy [W 48], Lens-Saint-Servais [W 49], Lens-sur-Geer [W 12] et Abolens [W 34]



This contribution focuses on the toponyms incorporating “Lens”, in the belgian local region of Hesbaye: Lens-Saint-Remy [W 48], Lens-Saint-Servais [W 49], Lens-sur-Geer [W 12] and Abolens [W 34]. It explores the contemporary local French pronunciations of these toponyms, highlighting the variation that exists in their pronunciation and establishing links between the speakers’ profile and their choice of variant. The study draws on a survey of 348 participants. Initially, the paper revisits some etymological considerations, showing what it has to contribute to the study of the etymology of Lens and proposing a hypothesis for that of “Abolens”: on the other hand, it explores a broader question: it sets out to identify the factors that determine the use of the determiner of a compound toponym in contexts of «language of immediacy».

How to Cite:

Joassin, R., (2024) “Étude de la variation dans la prononciation française contemporaine locale des toponymes hesbignons composés de Lens: Lens-Saint-Remy [W 48], Lens-Saint-Servais [W 49], Lens-sur-Geer [W 12] et Abolens [W 34]”, Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Toponymie en Dialectologie 95(1). doi:

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