In the early modern period, Gute Policey or 'good order of the community' was an underlying principle of policy, politics and normativity that mainly manifested in police ordinances and related laws/normative sources. Although much research on the topic has been done in Germany, several other projects are now studying the same type of sources and are using similar approaches. In this special issue, we would like to combine both information on the projects and inform the reader about digital techniques/methods that are applied while studying the topic of Policey and police ordinances. This can range from digitisation to HTR, IIIF to automatic classifications.
- A focus of the contributions will be on rural spaces, villages, agrarian societies, local regimes/communities/jurisdictions in various countries and related matters/conflicts regulated by police ordinances and other types of law/normative texts.
- A second focus will be on current research projects on police ordinances and policing and applied digital methods to make normative sources available (as editions databases etc.) and analyse their normative content.
Editors: Christel Annemieke Romein (Editor), Karl Härter (Guest Editor), Wolfgang Bernhard Wüst (Guest Editor)
Karl Härter, Christel Annemieke Romein and Wolfgang Bernhard Wüst
2024-03-10 Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Special Issue: "Gute Policey" and police ordinances: local regimes and digital methods
Gute Policey in early modern rural areas: local societies, police ordinances and digital methods
Karl Härter, Christel Annemieke Romein and Wolfgang Bernhard Wüst
2024-03-12 Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Special Issue: "Gute Policey" and police ordinances: local regimes and digital methods
Building and Deploying a Classification Schema using Open Standards and Technology
Christel Annemieke Romein, Andreas Wagner and Joris J. van Zundert
2023-09-04 Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Special Issue: "Gute Policey" and police ordinances: local regimes and digital methods
Country-"Policey": Norms in Early Modern Agrarian Societies.
Wolfgang Bernhard Wüst
2023-09-08 Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Special Issue: "Gute Policey" and police ordinances: local regimes and digital methods
Police Ordinances, Customary Statutes and Normativity Regimes
Karl Härter
2023-09-18 Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Special Issue: "Gute Policey" and police ordinances: local regimes and digital methods
Straf- und ordnungsrechtliche Regelungen in ländlichen Rechtsquellen und ihr spezifischer Wortschatz
Andreas Deutsch
2023-10-02 Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Special Issue: "Gute Policey" and police ordinances: local regimes and digital methods