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Een asociale beeldschermgeneratie?: een empirisch onderzoek naar de rol van de media in de vrijetijdsbesteding van A.S.O.-jongeren tussen twaalf en veertien jaar

  • Pauline Van Aarle


The purpose of this research is to investigate whether we are dealing with an ‘anti-social screen-generation’. In the context of this investigation, the concept ‘anti-social’ refers to social isolation resulting from the fact that young people consider the electronic media as their ‘electronic friend’ and isolate themselves from their family and friends. There are two main questions: 1) Do young people spend all of their leisure time on electronic media or do they still have time for printed media? 2) Do young people prefer the company of the computer screen to human contact? The results show that the electronical media play an important role in the life of young people, and that printed media had to take a step back, which justifies the use of the term “screen-generation’. However ‘“today’s youngsters’ are not anti-social according to our definition: they prefer the company of people above that of machines. This study was conducted among 320 young people, boys and girls, between 12 and 14 years old.

How to Cite:

Van Aarle, P., (2000) “Een asociale beeldschermgeneratie?: een empirisch onderzoek naar de rol van de media in de vrijetijdsbesteding van A.S.O.-jongeren tussen twaalf en veertien jaar”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 29(4), 38–60. doi:

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