Het verleden als verhaal: de narratieve structuur van historische films
- Willem Hesling
The narrative formulas feature films employ in portraying the past, have three important implications for the kind of history that is produced. Because characters play a central role in film stories, they present a past that is to be understood mainly in terms of individual actions and motives. Moreover, in their representation of the past, films refer more to each other than to that past itself. An important consequence of this intertextual mechanism is the development of a “filmic-historical reality’ that can easily extricate itself from a ‘scientific historical reality’. Finally, this impression of reality generated by the classical film story can easily lead to an ‘objectivation’ and ‘homogenisation’ of historical reality.
How to Cite:
Hesling, W., (2000) “Het verleden als verhaal: de narratieve structuur van historische films”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 29(1), 2–20. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91429
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