
De consumptie van lokale media: lokalisme, lokale media en de relatie tussen subjectief ervaren problemen, informatie-interesse voor en -consumptie van lokale media-inhouden bij Vlaamse internetgebruikers

  • Jo Steyaert


This article explores how well intrinsic motivation (localism and interest in information) and extrinsic motivation (subjective experienced problems) can predict and explain the consumption of local media content by Flemish Internet users. This research suggests that the division of the concept localism in two related concepts social and cultural localism, as suggested in literature, is not unproblematic. Based on our research it seems that only social localism is related directly to the local geographic community. Social localism however has weak correlation with the exposure to local media and the consumption of local media content. The factors subjectively experienced problems and interest in information seem to have a stronger relationship with the consumption of local media content. Even in a global model social localism adds little explanation to the consumption of local media content.

How to Cite:

Steyaert, J., (1999) “De consumptie van lokale media: lokalisme, lokale media en de relatie tussen subjectief ervaren problemen, informatie-interesse voor en -consumptie van lokale media-inhouden bij Vlaamse internetgebruikers”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 28(4), 27–44. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91425

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Published on
01 Sep 1999