Winst levert meer op dan geld alleen: een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen de economische performance van bedrijven en de berichtgeving in Nederlandse dagbladen
- Marion Van Lunenburg
Content analyses of articles in Dutch newspapers show that company profits are related to news coverage. The more the figures distinguish from those of other companies (in a positive or negative way) the more news coverage a company gets. Bigger profits lead to more positive news coverage of a company. The three other variables in this research model, stock value, number of employees and exchange rate were in no way correlated to both the amount of news coverage and the way in which newspapers write about a company. Companies who want to have a frequent media coverage better make a loss, because a loss leads to a chain of articles during a certain period of time.
How to Cite:
Van Lunenburg, M., (1999) “Winst levert meer op dan geld alleen: een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen de economische performance van bedrijven en de berichtgeving in Nederlandse dagbladen”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 28(3), 19–36. doi:
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