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Multimedia-journalistiek: de journalist en het Internet

  • Piet Porteman


Every news medium has its own journalistic style. As nobody doubts the qualities of the Internet as a news medium, we wondered how this new medium influences or changes the classic way of doing journalism. A first group of changes can be summarised in the term ‘computer assisted reporting’. Computer assisted reporting already existed before the Internet became a mass medium and refers to the use of the computer during the making of a journalistic work. In this article it is used to indicate the importance of the Internet as a journalistic tool. Secondly, a lot of new information and news services can be found on the Internet. Compared with other news media, they have their own style and characteristics. The author describes the influence on journalism of interactivity, multimedia features, the use of hypertext en hypermedia, and the timeliness. Also the fear for the de-intellectualisation of the journalistic functions and the increased use of technology is explained. Finally, we describe the current discussion on the role of the journalist in highly atomised editorial systems used on the Internet.

How to Cite:

Porteman, P., (1999) “Multimedia-journalistiek: de journalist en het Internet”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 28(2), 2–19. doi:

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