
Mediagebruik, schoolprestaties en lees- en schrijfvaardigheid: een multilevel analyse

  • Daniël Muijs orcid logo


The dominant paradigm in research on the relationship between media use and school achievement has traditionally focussed on negative effects of the media, especially television, on school achievement. Empirical studies on this relationship have, however, produced indecisive and sometimes contradictory results, and have often been inadequate, due either to a lack of control variables in the model or to the use of statistical techniques unsuited to the data-set studied which have resulted in overestimation of effect sizes. In this study a large number of relevant control variables were included in multilevel regression models suited to the hierarchical nature of the dataset studied. Use of the electronic media was found not to have a significant effect on pupil's spelling- and reading test scores. A significant positive relationship was found between reading frequency and reading test scores, however. Other factors which were significantly related to spelling and reading test scores were parental socio-economic status, self-concept and school quality.

How to Cite:

Muijs, D., (1999) “Mediagebruik, schoolprestaties en lees- en schrijfvaardigheid: een multilevel analyse”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 28(1), 36–57. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91409

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Published on
01 Jan 1999