
Non-verbale competentie van jongeren met opvoedingsproblemen: probleemstelling en aanzet tot mogelijke oplossingen

  • Aagje Geerardyn


From the (few) studies on the nonverbal competence of adolescents with educational problems we can conclude that these adolescents are inferior to ‘normal’ adolescents in both the decoding and encoding of nonverbal cues. Whereas most of the authors believe in the influence of socialisation, there is no evidence about the cause of this shortage of nonverbal competence. Several authors have argued that nonverbal competence is of great importance for successful social interactions, and this seems to be especially the case for adolescents with educational problems. The fact that they show a lack of these skills leads us to the question whether they can be trained to improve their nonverbal communication. Social skills training for adolescents with educational problems sometimes gives attention to nonverbal competence, but this never happens in a systematic way. How a training in nonverbal competence should be conducted with these adolescents, and what the possible effects can be, remain unanswered questions. This article gives some suggestions and hypotheses, and pleads for more research on this matter.

How to Cite:

Geerardyn, A., (1999) “Non-verbale competentie van jongeren met opvoedingsproblemen: probleemstelling en aanzet tot mogelijke oplossingen”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 28(1), 19–35. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91408

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Published on
01 Jan 1999