Politieke schandaalberichtgeving: een communicatie-theoretische benadering
- Jo Snoekcx
This article pleads for more attention in the field of communication studies for the working and the role of political scandals, whether it be in a theoretical or empirical way. Political scandals are being analyzed and defined, starting from the classic framework of news selection theory. It is concluded that political scandals generate an enormous public field of tension, that — together with their high newsworthiness — put a great responsibility on the media. For example, the analysis of the historic Watergate case raises significant questions about the role of the media in political scandals and stresses the crucial importance of the relationship source-communicator as a raison d'être of political scandals. Based on this analysis, this article intends to provide a framework for further applied research in the field of political scandals. In this respect, several possible trajectories are indicated.
How to Cite:
Snoekcx, J., (1998) “Politieke schandaalberichtgeving: een communicatie-theoretische benadering”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 27(4), 46–62. doi:
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