Televisie in Portugal: een moeilijke overgang van fascisme naar liberalisme
- Thomas Coppens
This article describes the unique television landscape in Portugal. Television started as a state-controlled instrument of power during the fascist years (1926-1974). The process of deregulation in the nineties led to a highly competitive environment, in which public and commercial broadcasters fight each other over advertisers and viewers, mainly through imported programmes. The public broadcaster RTP is struggling with its dependence from the government and its role as a public service. The commercial broadcasters, especially TVI, have to deal with a limited advertising market. And the regulatory body lacks real power to intervene. The future of Portuguese television is, therefore, very uncertain.
How to Cite:
Coppens, T., (1998) “Televisie in Portugal: een moeilijke overgang van fascisme naar liberalisme”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 27(4), 2–26. doi:
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