De rol van de geschreven pers in het democratiseringsproces in Guatemala
- Lisbeth Van de Merlen
Although the press in Guatemala is more or less acting like a watchdog, its function in society remains rather limited due to a lot of problems inherent not only to the press but also to society. The main press-related problems are self-censorship, intimidation, corruption, difficulties with gathering information and the links with the economic elite, in short, the continuing discrepancy between legal framework and reality. At the same time, there is an influence from broader social phenomena: such as illiteracy and the country’s bad infrastructure.
How to Cite:
Van de Merlen, L., (1998) “De rol van de geschreven pers in het democratiseringsproces in Guatemala”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 27(3), 44–60. doi:
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