Web electronic publishing: op weg naar een nieuw mediamodel?
- Piet Porteman
Online newspapers and news services are a recent and important phenomenon on the World Wide Web. It is a difficult task to define online newspapers and news services. Claiming that electronic publishing is little other than print transferred to the electronic medium is as wrong as saying that electronic publishing is radically different from print. Technological innovations tend to blure the boundaries between the different media domains. In this article we try to place online newspapers in the existing framework of the media by describing their main dimensions and by comparing them with other models of media. Interactivity, multimedia, selection and other new functionalities give online newspapers unique characteristics. Finally we come to a new theoretical media model, the Web Electronic Publishing model.
How to Cite:
Porteman, P., (1998) “Web electronic publishing: op weg naar een nieuw mediamodel?”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 27(3), 25–43. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91398
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