De Latijns-Amerikaanse telenovela: tussen media-imperialisme en cultureel pluralisme
Several Latin American scholars have made a substantial contribution to the paradigmatic debate on international communication. In this debate between adherents of media imperialism and cultural pluralism theses, the telenovela is introduced as an interesting case. It is often considered to be a classic example of contra flow: the export of television programmes against the unilateral flows from the US and Europe to the so-called Third World. It is supposed to be the ultimate refutation of the media imperialism thesis. The actual value of the telenovela as an argument for declining dependency is evaluated on different levels: ownership and production system of the telenovela industry, content and values of the programmes and especially contra flow from the South to the North. Partly on the basis of a study on telenovela flows to Europe, critical remarks are formulated on the validity of the telenovela as contra flow and on the optimism of cultural pluralism theories.
How to Cite:
Meers, P., (1998) “De Latijns-Amerikaanse telenovela: tussen media-imperialisme en cultureel pluralisme”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 27(3), 2–24. doi:
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