
De remake als model van de filmgeschiedenis en middel voor filmgeschiedschrijving: een macrohistorische verkenning

  • Kurt Van den Vonder


A macro historical analysis of the remake in (American) film history shows not only that the history of the remake’ can serve as a model for film history in general but also that it is possible to study film history by means of the remake. First a definition of the concept of the remake will be given. It is then possible to make a quantitative analysis of the history of the remake based on the historical data compiled by Nowlan and Wright Nowlan. The resulting figures can be contextualized through Allen and Gomery's traditional approaches to film history. Especially aesthetic, economic and technological approaches are very insightful. This contextual analysis of the history of the remake clearly shows that the remake is not purely a filmeconomical phenomenon, but that the remake also meets requirements originating from other contextual factors of film history. What's more, a separate analysis of the remake during the silent film era shows that the remake concept is not monolithic but changes through different eras in film history.

How to Cite:

Van den Vonder, K., (1997) “De remake als model van de filmgeschiedenis en middel voor filmgeschiedschrijving: een macrohistorische verkenning”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 26(4), 2–28. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91380

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Published on
01 Sep 1997