
Evoluties van sekserollen in de Vlaamse magazinereclame

  • Dimitri Mortelmans orcid logo


Advertising is often criticized for confirming and reinforcing existing stereotypes in society. Scientific research in the United States and Britain showed that the representation of women in advertising draws heavily on negative stereotypes, with women often being, portrayed as housewives or indecisive beings. However, studies also showed a slow change in the eighties towards a more realistic, neutral and harmonious imagery of both sexes. This article discusses the way in which advertising representation evolved in Flanders (Belgium). A content analysis identifies the stereotypical portrayal of men and women in Flemish magazine advertisements between 1970 and 1994, showing a significantly different evolution from results found in other research. The developments in the eighties are splitting up in two separate ways of portraying people. On the one hand imagery follows reality and develops new stereotypes. On the other hand, however, some negative stereotypes such as the erotization of men and women show a renewed vigour.

How to Cite:

Mortelmans, D., (1997) “Evoluties van sekserollen in de Vlaamse magazinereclame”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 26(3), 20–42. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91376

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Published on
01 Jun 1997