
Popmuziek en maatschappij: omtrent de studie van de maatschappelijke betekenis van populaire muziek

  • Wim De Rynck


This text deals with the social meaning of popular music. Based on the theory of the public sphere, it tries to show the role and functions of popular music in the system and lifeworld and public and private level of the ‘societal grid’. The article gives an overview of the research on popular music. It is pointed out that popular music can only be known by looking at all levels of society at the same time. Moreover it is argued that in order to derive the true meaning of pop in society, there is a need for further research into music in small countries and cultures, textual analysis of music and especially into reception research on popular music. All three directions of research contribute to a better understanding of the processes of signification in the reception of pop and should therefore be encouraged.

How to Cite:

De Rynck, W., (1997) “Popmuziek en maatschappij: omtrent de studie van de maatschappelijke betekenis van populaire muziek”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 26(2), 21–47. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91371



Published on
01 Mar 1997