
Berichtgeving rond de beursgang van KPN

  • Jan A. De Ridder


In case of big companies, sensitive to publicity, the analysis of news is important to get a clear insight into the process of image building. The computer programme CETA is a tool for content analysis. CETA transposes texts into a set of connected assertions which forms a discourse network. After coding a text by using CETA a lot of interesting questions about the content of the news can be answered. In this article we report on a research we did for the Dutch post- and telecommunication company KPN. In that research we reconstructed the image of KPN based on the positive and negative news. We also paid attention to the relationship between interventions and news. In this article we want to show the benefits and the possibilities for image building research of analysing news with CETA.

How to Cite:

De Ridder, J. A., (1997) “Berichtgeving rond de beursgang van KPN”, Communicatie: tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap en mediacultuur 26(2), 2–20. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/communicatie.91370

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Published on
01 Mar 1997