- Andrej Demsar
- Arun Aneja
The most important tool for the responsible development of the future world is education. With education of new generations, we shape the future of the world. The most important part of education are pupils and in the case of higher education students. The future world belongs to them! Do we know who are they and what they really want? For this reason, the survey has been performed on the engineering faculty in Slovenia in which the students have been asked questions on the basis of which it would be possible to recognize their opinion and position which we should take in to account in the design of education in the future.
Keywords: education, teacher, future, world, humanity
How to Cite:
Demsar, A. & Aneja, A., (2019) “1B4_0262_ THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION”, Proceedings of the 19th World Textile Conference - Autex 2019 , 5. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/autex.63854
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