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Coating technology

P023_0261_ Analysis of the thermal comfort properties and FIR infrared emission characteristics of ceramic nanofillers imbedded fabrics

  • Ashik Md Faisal
  • Fabien Salaün
  • Stéphane Giraud
  • Ada Ferri
  • Yan Chen
  • Lichuan Wang


Far-infrared (FIR) ray emitting textiles are claimed to be functional textiles that improve the health as well as well-being. FIR ray emitting fabrics are derived from traditional fibers by incorporation of ceramic nanofillers with appropriate electromagnetic absorption and emission properties. This study examined the far-infrared emission characteristics and thermal comfort properties of ceramic-imbedded cotton knitted fabrics. For this purpose, a combination of Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Dioxide and, Titanium Dioxide were dissolved in water-based polyurethane binder by sonication technique and then applied to the cotton fabric samples by padding. Reflection and transmission of the samples were measured with an integrating sphere by Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer. The result shows a significant change in terms of emissivity between the treated and the untreated samples. Thermal properties of fabric samples were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results showed that the thermophysical properties of the fabrics are strongly dependent on the nature of nanofillers present on the coating. In addition, properties like tensile strength, moisture absorbency, and antimicrobial properties were also measured to evaluate the feasibility of the ceramic nanofiller coated fabric towards thermal comfort.

Keywords: FIR, knitted fabric, ceramic nanoparticle, thermal comfort, functional textiles

How to Cite:

Faisal, A., Salaün, F., Giraud, S., Ferri, A., Chen, Y. & Wang, L., (2019) “P023_0261_ Analysis of the thermal comfort properties and FIR infrared emission characteristics of ceramic nanofillers imbedded fabrics”, Proceedings of the 19th World Textile Conference - Autex 2019 , 3. doi:

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