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Medical textiles

P046_0412_ Compressive orthopaedic supports for the elderly

  • Ginta Laureckienė
  • L. Muraliene
  • D. Mikucioniene


Europe is the oldest continent in terms of population age. Due to rapid ageing and decreased physical activity of society, particular attention should be paid to encourage physical activity. Due to ageing and reduced activity emergent arthralgia and coordination disorders are a common cause of further lower activity. Development of orthopaedic supports with optimal variable compression in combining with the muscle strength and aerobic endurance training is a cost-effective tool for healthy ageing. The orthopaedic support is defined as a corrective or orthopaedic item intended to grip or support any movable part of the body in the correct position and allows movement of that body part. Obtained results clearly demonstrate that stress-strain relaxation phenomenon must be taken into account, especially in designing of orthopaedic supports for the elderly.

Keywords: compression, orthopaedic support, knitting, elastomeric structure

How to Cite:

Laureckienė, G., Muraliene, L. & Mikucioniene, D., (2019) “P046_0412_ Compressive orthopaedic supports for the elderly”, Proceedings of the 19th World Textile Conference - Autex 2019 , 3. doi:

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